Restaurang Kolbeh, Solna
We are sure that you will find something in our menu that will suit your taste
Persian/Iranian Restaurant?
You don’t have to come here to get a chance to try all the good food we have to offer. We also offer catering! At Restaurant Kolbeh we have catering menus that suit everything from weddings, birthdays, staff parties and other themed events. Call us for prices and information! In order to be able to handle your orders more easily by e-mail, please kindly enter your telephone number.
If you find no time that suits you call 08-837948 or send an inquiry to bokning@restaurangkolbeh.se and we will help you. Please note that booking via email is valid only after confirmation from the restaurant. If you want to make a booking for more than 8 people, you are welcome to contact us by mail or by phone.