
Dr. Ebrahim-Nesbat | Criminal Lawyer


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Dr. Ebrahim-Nesbat | Criminal Lawyer

Dr. Ebrahim-Nesbat | Criminal Lawyer

Attorney Dr. Ebrahim-Nesbat – Specialized lawyer for criminal law (defense lawyer)

Criminal justice attorney in Hamburg, Germany

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I offer the following services:

Defense in the preliminary investigation: first meeting after provisional arrest; Initial discussion after ordering the pre-trial detention; Inspection; Examination of the arrest warrant; Application for oral detention; Examination of grounds of detention; Application for non-enforcement of the arrest warrant; Bail application; Appeal against detention; Further appeal to the Higher Regional Court; special detention by the Higher Regional Court (after six months); possibly also constitutional complaint

Dr. Ebrahim-Nesbat | Iranian Criminal Lawyer in Hamburg, Germany

Witness assistance; Advice on police summonses; Application for termination of the proceedings;

Intermediate defense, that is, it has been charged with the court, however, the court did not open the main proceedings;

Defense in the trial: Occupation complaint; Bias applications; Proof of evidence for interrogation of witnesses and experts. Contact to parties and media.

Defense in the penal procedure; Objection to the penalty order; in the accelerated procedure;

Revision at the Federal Court of Justice or the Higher Regional Court; Appointment at district court;

Narcotics Act, BtMG; Drug criminal law: cocaine trade; Opium; Heroin; Khat; Marijuana; Subutex;

Defense in capital penalties, Defense in criminal proceedings under the Foreign Trade Act / Violation of embargo regulations; Defense for violation of the AntidopingG

Defense in the penal system and in the execution of the sentence are not accepted

In addition to defense of choice is also mandatory defense possible.

In the case of a simple situation (eg charges of theft), I can take over the defense before the district court or the appellate court at very short notice. However, the prerequisite is that the hearing takes place in Hamburg. Call me, tell me the expected date.


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