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Movie Around the Highway A movie directed by Siavash Asadi and written by Saeed Nematollah
Fime Havalie Otoban is produced by Seyed Gholamreza Mousavi and produced in 2008 in Iran
Fime Havalie Otoban This film is the story of a young couple whose lives change with the arrival of a middle-aged woman.
Director: Siavash As’adi Screenplay: Saeed Nematollah Music composed by: Bamdad Bayat
Around the Highway is the first feature film by young director Siavash Asadi, who happens to play the lead role in the film, namely Sima.
His wife, Nora Hashemi, is the daughter of two famous cinema actors, Mehdi Hashemi and Gulab Adineh.
The film’s apparently trying to cross some of the red lines of the professional community
Have something new to say that this attempt failed! Fime Havalie Otoban