Atashbas is an Iranian film directed and written by Tahmineh Milani
and produced by Mohammad Nikabin in 2005. This film went on the cinema screen in May 2006 and also became the best-selling film in 2006.
The film Ceasefire can be analyzed from different perspectives and, above all,
as a cinematic film, it falls under structural issues. And the success of the filmmaker in performing the form he has chosen and the contracts he has established can be examined.
From the point of view of intertextual relations, the film Ceasefire, Other directorial works, such as Two Women, Semi-Hidden,
Many Women, and The Fifth Reaction can be examined.
On the other hand, the present film, It has a psychological underpinning that is influenced by the work of Luciaca Pacione.
author of The Healing of the Inner Child. So, naturally, the author’s victory can be examined from this perspective.
It is also possible to compare the relationship between Tahmineh Milani and her feminist tendencies.
Seemingly a ceasefire as a ceasefire in the feminist defense of women and
an approach to the rational relationship between men and women. on the path to the upliftment of the family and not a rupture.
The collapse of sexually competitive competition has been described as a step towards moderation
and liberation from the philosophical dogmas of women. In the end,
the film claims Is an educational work to raise the level of thought of people in society. Structurally, the ceasefire film is a seemingly modern work. But scrutiny