Sweet Lili’s Bakery – Iranian / Persian Pastry in Laguna Hills, CA
Read some reviews from the customer:
Turnovers. Terrific savoury turnovers.
They’ve got sweet too, but oh wow, the savoury ones have me dreaming about this place since I first dropped in.
It was a weeknight evening. I wrapped up an intense day at work and needed a sweet treat.
Something to pick up on the way home so I would have a yummy dessert to look forward to.
As I walked into this bakery, I was ready to survey the sweets.
The glass case was full of petite cakes, fruit tarts, cookies, biscotti, macarons, cream puffs, sweet bread, muffins, caramel cookies, butter cookies, special occasion cakes, and baklava of all kinds.
5 stars Sweet Lili’s Bakery – Customer service.
Right away, I was greeted.
A friendly atmosphere.
Then came my questions.
I was so interested in the variety of options that I had to find a way to narrow down my options.
5 stars – Turnovers. The glass case in front of you when you enter, top shelf.
First, the potato turnover was the best. I wasn’t expecting much, but wow the combination of flavours.
The soft and cubed lemony potatoes with parsley were the perfect match to the crispy buttery exterior of the turnover.
Now for something that really surprised me, the mini turnovers with basil, walnuts, and cream cheese.
What a cool combo. The walnuts helped give some crunch and the basil was an aromatic flavour that balanced out the buttery crust.
They also have a turkey turnover in their case, which I didn’t try. (Persian Bakery)
4 stars Sweet Lili’s Bakery – Almond biscotti. Consistency is exactly what I look for, crunchy. It had a light sweetness.
I would have liked a stronger almond flavour, but it was still good.
What a delight! I enjoy walking into a place I haven’t been before and find new flavour combinations.
This little bakery is hidden, but it’s not to be missed.
I’ve been back three times this week so far!
I’ll come back often and especially when I need a sweet treat to bring to dinner parties.