Siavash Darius Vaseghi Law Office, PLLC – Practice Areas:
Business, Criminal, Family, Litigation: Personal Injury
Bar Card Number: 24079506 / TX License Date: 11/04/2011
Siavash Vaseghi Attorney At Law is a privately held company in Austin, TX and is a Single Location business.
Categorized under Lawyers and Attorneys. Our records show it was established in 2013 and incorporated in Texas.
Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of 72969 and employs a staff of approximately 2.
I’m an independent counsel practising in Travis and Williamson counties. My business has primarily been focused on family law as well as a criminal defence with the occasional business law and miscellaneous cases where I can be of service.
General practice in Austin, Texas. Specializing in assisting small business owners to navigate Texas Business Law. Also Family Law, Criminal Defense Law, Wills, and Torts Law (Personal Injury).
1. Handling family law cases including divorce proceedings, divorce decree modification, and suits affecting parent-child relationships
2. Managing a substantial caseload of defendant clients in many criminal felony and misdemeanour cases for the firm in various venues
in Travis and Williamson counties in Texas with an excellent record in negotiating and obtaining jail releases, in obtaining dismissals or reduced charges
3. Immigration consultation in removal/deportation proceedings
4. Handling personal injury cases in collaboration with the Law Firm of Jarvis & Garcia PLLC