Pirooz Pharmacy, Inc | American/Iranian Healthcare Provider in Los Angeles, CA
The provider is an individual licensed by the appropriate state regulatory agency to engage in the practice of pharmacy.
The practice of pharmacy includes, but is not limited to, assessment, interpretation, evaluation, and implementation, initiation, monitoring or modification of medication and or medical orders; the compounding or dispensing of medication and or medical orders
participation in drug and device procurement, storage, and selection; drug administration; drug regimen reviews; drug or drug-related research; provision of patient education and the provision of those acts or services necessary to provide medication therapy management services in all areas of patient care. PIROOZ PHARMACY, INC.
Iranian Healthcare Provider in Los Angeles
NPI is 1346384195. The provider is registered as an organization entity type and is a multiple single specialty group. The provider Is Doing Business As Barrington-Wilshire Pharmacy.
The provider’s authorized official is Farzad Jack Pirooz. The authorized official title is Secretary and has the following contact phone number (310) 473-3323.
The enumeration date for this NPI number is 2/16/2007 and was last updated on 7/8/2007.