Old Fashion Deli & Market


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Old Fashion Deli & Market

Old Fashion Deli & Market

Market & deli for freshly prepared Mediterranean meals plus Middle Eastern groceries.

  • Grocery Store
  • Food
  • Grocery

You deserve wholesome food that doesn’t cost your whole paycheck.

That’s why we offer a range of fresh products and freshly prepared meals.

We never use high-fructose corn syrup, added trans fats, artificial colours or flavours in any Old Fashion Deli products.

We realize you probably have some favourite top name brands. Persian Supermarket

So in addition to our private brands, we carry a nice variety to make it convenient for you.

Best of all we offer everything at honest, low prices for everyone.

We have started Local Express to make it easier for customers to shop online at their favourite local stores and shops.
Yes, you can order groceries online at any big-box store and buy from the largest brands… But what about shopping locally, supporting local business?
Every city in California has unique independent grocers that couldn’t be found anywhere else
— and the locals love them for it.
These stores offer not only fresh produce, a good selection of grocery staples and drinks, but also in-store made meals,
traditional comfort foods and baked goods that reflect the many ethnicities and embrace the many cultures every community is made of.
Local Express brings these unique grocery stores online!
Now customers may support their favourite local store from the comfort of their own home and get their orders delivered to their door within an hour.
Local Express also helps smaller grocers get online and tap into the fastest growing segment of online shopping without much hassle or stress.
We support the community, the store owners and the customers who shop there.

