Kersi Bhesania Income Tax
Accounting Services is committed to your success.
Iranian Accountants & Tax Services in Toronto
We make it our business, to know your business well enough to improve your tax position, capital position, business structure, and much more.
It shall be our endeavor and commitment to knowing your business economics well enough to enhance your network and to have better tax planning and consequently lead to diversification and expansion of your business.
For the last 15 years, we are serving Canadian Companies and Individuals. During these years we acquired in-depth knowledge in our field and we guarantee to enhance your company’s growth and success.
Together we can conquer all of the intricacies of doing business in today’s fast-paced economy. We are looking forward to working with you. . . Accurate and timely accounting information is a necessity for any successful business.
we can assist you on a regular and on-going basis. We are committed to render personalized & quality service.
Kersi (Garshasb) Bhesania, B.Comm, F.C.A