
Kalamala | Online Grocery


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Kalamala | Online Grocery

Kalamala | Online Iranian Grocery

Food & Beverage Company

Online Middle Eastern grocery store featuring Persian, Kurdish, Armenian, Turkish and Afghani delicacies

Spices & Herbs
Nuts, Seeds & Dried Fruit
Sweets & Desserts
Tea & Coffee
Pantry Essentials
Ready To Eat
Pickled & Brined
Home Goods & Kitchenware
Books & Gifts
Skin & Beauty

All Bread Nuts & Dried Fruit Pantry Essentials Pickled & Brined Ready To Eat Seeds Spice & Herb Mixes Spices & Herbs & Aromatic Seeds Sweets & Desserts Tart Flavorings Tea

There is the Internet’s only Middle Eastern grocery store featuring Persian, Kurdish, Armenian, Turkish and Afghani delicacies.

To deliver your favourite goodies to your doorstep!

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