Homa International Travel | Texas
Looking for travel bureau or travel agency in Plano, TX?
Then contact Geolgoun Saidzadeh from our company located in 4301 Brinker Ct, Plano, TX, 75024, Collin County.
Feel free to contact Golden Saidzadeh from the company at (214) 473-9090 to get working hours, prices for travel deals, vacation packages, cruises, car rental, flights & more.
It is a domestic company, located in TX – Texas, United States. Its contact method and company information are as below.
It is limited by shares, American proprietary company. Persian travel agency in Texas
Since 1990, the company is headquartered in 4301 Brinker Ct, Plano, Collin, TX – Texas. the company was registered in 1990.
In total the company used 0 trading names.
We bring you a complete range of reports and documents featuring legal and financial data, facts, analysis and official information from Main US Registry.
Less 10 work in the company.
Capital – $ 71,000, sales per year
– More $ 842,000,000. It is a Domestic company.
This corporation was registered on 1990 and was issued with the Register number 240432739257 in TX – Texas, US; DUNS – 14-917-2880 Owner of the company is Geolgoun Saidzadeh.
Products made in Homa International Travel were not found.
The main activity of Homa company is Transportation services with 472402
– Travel Agencies & Bureaus, including 8 other destinations.
It open vacancies, a location of a company on the map. For more information, visit the site or send a request to contacts.
The above data comes from the global Canadian database which was updated in 2018. We found 0 trademarks that mention this company.
the company in Frisco has what you need!
Make sure your A/C and heating systems are ready to go this season with an inspection from a company.
From hotel bookings to flight arrangements, a company in Plano has you covered.
If you’re looking for short- or long-term parking, there are plenty of options located close by.
Your next big vacation is waiting for you at Homa Company in Plano. Give them a call today!
Everyone needs an amazing travel agent to help advocate for their vacation success.
Check out Homa company in Frisco for your vacation needs. Finding parking shouldn’t have to be a hassle when you’re on vacation.
At Homa International company, it never is. Let company in Frisco help you plan the vacation of your dreams! Give them a call today.
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