Embrace Growth | Azita Sayan


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Embrace Growth | Azita Sayan

Embrace Growth | Azita Sayan: A marriage counsellor in Los Angeles, California

Embrace Growth, Dr Azita Sayan and Gregory Morgan

The Purpose of Embrace Growth To cause excellence in families, careers and communities by mentoring men & women to fulfil their highest potential as mature leaders so that their love and respect for humanity leave a Legacy of Honor for future generations.

Embrace Growth – founded in 2001 is a unique educational business with centres in Los Angeles, Toronto, Hamburg, London and Dubai, serving the personal development needs of thousands of people internationally through an integrated physical, mental, emotional and spiritual technology.

We work with clients privately in our offices or by telephone and Skype. Our primary focus is working with groups through seminars, workshops, TV shows and teleconferencing. Our name is a suggestion to accept and embrace life’s inevitable challenges as an opportunity for Personal Growth.

People from all walks of life take our programs and achieve results beyond their highest expectations. Our clients include Doctors, Lawyers, homemakers, teachers, troubled teens and parents, battered and abused women, husbands, fathers and businessmen.

Our students learn to develop their own inner knowledge, wisdom and creativity with increased sensitivity and heightened awareness. ( Persian psychologist )

We have helped our clients to completely eradicate a variety of issues including the following.

A partial scope includes:

  • – Relationship issues
  • – Depression
  • – Phobias
  • – Weight loss
  • – Smoking
  • – Addictions – drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling and eating disorders
  • – Indecision
  • – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • – Stammering
  • – Travel sickness
  • – Insomnia
  • – Marriage selection
  • – Divorce
  • – Infidelity
  • – Sexual abuse

Dr Azita Sayan and Gregory Morgan conduct private sessions in Marriage, Family & Child Therapy, Advanced Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Relationship Coaching in our offices and by phone or Skype worldwide. We have worked with thousands of people that now enjoy fulfilling lives that never thought they could. Schedule an appointment with Dr Azita Sayan or Gregory Morgan

PRODUCTS As a service to our clients, we provide powerful resources to help you immediately begin to transform the quality of your life through Books, DVDs and CD Audio Courses
