Dr. Ali Farshchi | Chiropractor, Victoria


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Dr. Ali Farshchi | Chiropractor, Melbourne

Dr. Ali Farshchi | Chiropractor, Melbourne

He has studied extensively in many fields, including as a Medical Doctor in Iran, a Ph.D. in Chinese Medicine and a Masters in Chiropractic. Dr. Ali is your local South Morang Chiropractor, he speaks 4 languages (English, Persian, Chinese and some Arabic) so many more patients can utilize his services.

Dr. Ali (Chiropractor, MD, Chinese Medicine Practitioner)His passion for Chiropractic and natural medicine began after one his patient in medical practice in Iran responded to Chiropractic treatment very well, so he decided to continue his practice in Chiropractic fieldAli sees a variety of patients in different fields of medicine, but his main focus in practice is in pain medicine. Also, he does a lot of work with sports medicine. Dr. Ali has many patients with low back pain, neck, and joint pain who get the pain from the work or bad posture in their practice

Having three disciplines of medicine help Dr. Ali to give one the best medical services to his patients.Dr. Ali is well a well-known Epping Chiropractor; as well is known to have practiced as a GP in Northern suburbs. He is currently available for private consultations as a Chiropractor in South Morang at Wellbeing Chiropractic located at 10/797 Plenty Rd Sth Morang. For all appointments cal 1300-123-365

Dr. Ali Farshchi, Persian Chiropractor in Melbourne , AustraliaFarsi Speaking Chiropractor near me


Chiropractic is a primary healthcare profession based around the musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors are university-trained professionals who are adequate in the diagnosis and management of a large variety of health conditions. While chiropractors are well known for the treatment of back pain, neck pain and muscular tension- they’re also able to diagnose skin conditions, muscle strains, ligament sprains and types of headaches. Chiropractors in Australia must assess and diagnose the conditions of the patients that they see.


To become a qualified chiropractic one must undergo an extensive 5-year degree. This degree is a double degree called a Bachelor of Health Science/ Bachelor of Applied Science (Chiropractic). These Chiropractors usually work alongside Chinese Medicine and osteopathy practitioners during their degree, and so also know of their techniques. Once graduated Chiropractors must undergo at least 25 hours of continued education in order to keep up with the latest in healthcare. They’re also subject to a variety of code of conduct practices and monitoring by AHPRA, their guiding body.

Dr. Ali Farshchi (Chiropractor) Treating the low back in south Morang
