
De Aardige Pers (Saman)


Persian Business Directory

De Aardige Pers (Saman)

Persian Restaurant in Amsterdam


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Best Middle Eastern restaurant: de Aardige Pers

Warning: do not eat for at least four hours (more if you can manage it –

I can’t) before stepping foot inside De Aardige Pers.

There’s no way you’re getting out of there with anything other than a full stomach.

With the fasting out of the way, start by ordering the trio of starters.

– The chef’s selection

– all top-notch.

Then move onto the grilled meats: simple but perfectly cooked kofte kebabs, chicken thighs,

And so on – all served with fragrant saffron rice and grilled tomatoes. Don’t worry

– They’ll give you a box for the leftovers to take home if you ask.

De Aardige Pers isn’t fancy-looking, but the food is outstanding and the prices are extremely reasonable.

(We paid €30 each for everything I described above, plus plenty of wine).

Read my full review of De Aardige Pers or download my Amsterdam restaurant guide for more.

More Middle Eastern restaurant recommendations.

Service options: Dine-in · Takeout

1 Review for De Aardige Pers (Saman)

Milan 1 Reviews
Achterruit gegaan

Porties zijn heel klein geworden, prijzen torenhoog gestegen. Kebab heeft geen originele smaak meer. Kwaliteit is achteruit gegaan. Onaardige personeel maakt het niet beter. Geen aanrader!

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