David Nahali | Orlando Chiropractor


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David Nahali | Orlando Chiropractor

David Nahali | Orlando Chiropractor

Chiropractor Doctor – When you have actually experienced failed efforts one after another from well-meaning physicians as well as specialists you begin to shed trust, faith as well as hope in ever getting better and be able to enjoy a normal life without pain or medications. I totally understand. In reality, all my clients have had this experience prior to speaking with me.

All patients with disc issues got placed into the same “requirement of care” box, and sadly that approach of medicines, shots, and surgical procedure won’t recover your disc– and consequently will not resolve your discomfort. In many instances, it makes you even worse with even more handicap. At Orlando Spinal Aid Center, our objective is to offer comprehensive procedures that not only provide expanded care but even more caring.

We distinguish ourselves by offering better treatment method and rehab in a nurturing environment and a level of assistance that’s clearly above and beyond the conventional methods. We care for and regarding our patients, providing an exceptional array of services and tailored treatment– in a pleasant, soothing environment. Certain about our programs and impressed with our success, doctors frequently refer patients to Orlando Spinal Aid Center.

Our goal is straightforward, yet unique: to make your path to recovery as fulfilling as your recovery itself. We’re a unique kind of outpatient Injury and rehabilitation center.”

–– Dr. David Nahali Dr. David Nahali, D.C. has over 18 years of experience in non-surgical treatment of the spine Dr. David Nahali, D.C., is an international authority on Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression.

He specializes in the care of patients suffering from severe low back and neck pain due to herniated and degenerative spinal discs, sciatica, and facet syndrome.

With over 16 years of professional service to his credit, Dr. Nahali is constantly improving upon non-surgical spinal decompression protocols to help even the most difficult cases. The driving goal at Orlando Spinal Aid Center is to deliver the best health care available by addressing the three main factors that determine an individual’s future health, well-being, and longevity. These factors are:

1.) Pain Reduction, 2.) Correction of the underlying causes of the problem; 3.) Supportive care to maintain health. He PERSONALLY SUPERVISES every patient and every procedure. Dr. Nahali is uniquely qualified to address these three factors. His training has positioned him to be the best at relieving pain. His vast education has prepared him to focus EXCLUSIVELY on this facet of healthcare.

Having studied and taught manual medicine techniques from all over the world and with a broad range of proven chiropractic principles and skills, Dr. Nahali can accelerate your pain relief. You can also expect the latest in technological advances, including the DRX9000 Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression System. Iranian Chiropractor Doctor in Orlando

This remarkable treatment has been clinically shown to have an excellent success rate for back pain associated with herniated, bulging, or degenerative disks, sciatica and pinched nerves, and chronic back pain. Researchers agree that addressing and correcting the underlying causes of your pain is the most effective way to manage your health.

Dr. Nahali is a leader in rehabilitative and corrective care, and also guarantees that he will always maintain the highest quality education and research to provide you with the best available care.

And he will, at your request, transition you to supportive follow-up care to maintain your new found level of optimum health. This process is not only assured to relieve your pain but also to allow you to experience increased levels of productivity and performance as you regain your active lifestyle.

Dr. Nahali is ready to help you step up to the greater performance and a pain-free lifestyle. Click on the Contact Us button for an appointment or a free telephone consultation today. We look forward to starting you on your path to a pain-free and healthier life.
