Darioush Winery (Napa) – A Napa Valley wine experience – uncommon perspectives of the world and extraordinary wines.
Darioush-Khaledi Founder of Darioush Persian Winery in California, Napa
Our story began centuries ago, in the seat of winemaking culture. It culminates here and now – a new intersection of wine craft, extraordinary arts, time-honored customs grounded in an authentic tradition of graciousness.
Darioush is a story of the harmonious blending of traditions – a culture of graciousness and thoughtfulness and one rooted in the ideals of individualism and opportunity.
Nowhere is the connection between wine and culture more evident than in the history of Persia. Discoveries dating to 5,000 B.C. in the Zagros
Mountains of Northern Iran show that winemaking emerged as permanent communities replaced nomadic life and a new age of wine culture began.
The history of wine accompanies the very concept of hospitality, inspiring art, poetry, culture, and wine craft for millennia to come.
Darioush Khaledi was instilled at an early age with the winemaking craft of his father, inspired by wine culture in the literary city of Shiraz – in
Modern day Iran – and the ancient city of Persepolis. He became a lifelong collector, seeking out old world wines infused with tradition and energized by modern technique.
Aspiring to the ideals of the American dream, Darioush immigrated to America to seek out opportunities others overlooked.
He was an entrepreneur determined to realize his dream, yet always eager to share his journey through his love of wine borne of rich heritage.
In 1997, Darioush and his wife Shahpar founded Darioush and began to realize a lifelong aspiration to share the art, architecture, wine, craftsmanship, and culture that inspired their journey.
In the late 1990’s Darioush and winemaker Steve Devitt made an unorthodox choice, to commit to Southern Napa Valley – choosing its cooler m
Microclimates to develop their unique style. While the focus was in the north, Darioush was headed south.
Seeking opportunities others overlooked, Darioush and Steve focused intently on site selection and cooler microclimates in Southern Napa Valley; high atop Mount Veeder and the maritime-influenced Valley floor. Replanting where necessary to unlock the full potential of both the vineyard and wine grape cultivated from it. They committed to a Bordeaux-style of winemaking – a blended style they long admired for the potential to truly express a wine’s character.
Now these years later, the Darioush estate comprises 120 acres in Southern Napa Valley spanning the Mount Veeder and Oak Knoll AVA’s. We believe truly unique wines reflect great vineyards, but also the character of the people behind them.
individualism and the role of the craftsman have heralded qualities that honor our ancient and modern influences.
his spirit finds its home in a vineyard estate, an environment of warmth and hospitality.
The thread of hospitality woven throughout is born of the culture of Tarof. It is the art of politeness, rooted in a centuries-old tradition of going
Beyond one’s means to make the other person feel more at home than home itself
At the heart of this set is the simple truth that every member of the vineyard is a part of the family, and all who visit feel the warmth of their true welcome.
Grand in scale, yet human in focus; Darioush is a destination like no other.