County Dental Care
Picton – Dr. Rami Majid
Dr. Rami Majid started his education in Psychology, at York University. He then became one of the youngest graduates of the University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry, which he completed with honors in 2009.
After professional school, he pursued a one-year post-graduate residency at the prestigious University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital, he focused on sedation and surgery, including implant placement and wisdom teeth removal.
Picton, Ontario
Although southern hospitality was wonderful, he decided to head back home to Canada and began working as an associate in the Quinte area. You may have crossed paths with him in Deseronto, Wellington or Northbrook. After several years of experience, he decided to have a practice of his own and chose Picton as home.
A FEW WORDS I just wanted to thank my patients and staff for making my transition back to the county so wonderful! I also wanted to thank all the wonderful mentors I had, especially Dr. Tucker over in Wellington.
I know the dental office is nobodys favorite place, but I hope the atmosphere we create at County Dental Care can at least make it a better experience for you. I pride myself in being down-to-earth, thorough, gentle and caring. Farsi speaking dentist near me
If theres anything I can ever do to help you and yours, just let me know. MY PHILOSOPHY An instructor in school once told me “treat every patient like your mother, and you’ll succeed”.
Since then I take pride in being as gentle and thorough as possible, doing my very best and only recommending treatment that my mother would be proud of.
At times my perfectionism and chattiness seem to get the best of me, but nothing gives me greater joy than knowing I can make a difference in someone’s life by improving their smile or getting them out of pain.