Bolouri Ali, DDS | Prosthodontics, Oral Surgeons, Iranian Dentist in Dallas, Texas
His specialties include Prosthodontics, He speaks English, he is an employee at wood hill family dental Dallas
prosthodontics practitioner in Dallas, TX. He practices prosthodontics.
Dr. Bolouri is a professor and Director of the Undergraduate Removable Prosthodontics in the Department of Restorative Sciences at Baylor College of Dentistry.
He has served 40 years with the dental school and has been a full professor since 1985.
Dr. Bolouri earned a Certificate in Removable Prosthodontics from Emory University, a DDS from the University of Tennessee and a DMD from Tehran University.
Dr. Bolouri is a board certified Prosthodontist.
He is a leading expert in removable prosthodontics and has lectured throughout the country and internationally throughout his career. Iranian Dentist in Dallas TX
He has authored numerous peer-reviewed papers and presented at conferences worldwide. Throughout his academic career, he has also maintained a part-time private practice concentrating on restorative dentistry and dental implants in North Dallas.
Dr. Freudenfeld, Dr. Bolouri, Dr. Horton, and staff are committed to providing you with a pleasant dental visit and results that you are proud to show off.
We will take the time to properly diagnose your immediate dental concerns, review your past medical and dental history and create a treatment plan that provides for your optimal dental health.
Our mission at Woodhill Family Dental is to provide quality, affordable and comprehensive dental care to all of our patients.
Our administrative staff is ready to help you with questions about scheduling and our financial policy to make that part of the process as easy as possible. Please call us at 214-363-1406 to schedule your dental appointment.
We look forward to meeting you
Preventive dental care is the foundation for good oral health. We begin every visit with a thorough examination of your entire mouth and take any necessary digital x-rays.
We will discuss your current dental health and work together to help you keep a beautiful healthy smile for a lifetime.
Preventive services offered: