
Ali Samii & Randa Ahangi | Carlsbad


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Ali Samii & Randa Ahangi | Carlsbad

Ali Samii & Randa Ahangi | Carlsbad

Ali Samii & Randa Ahangi | Carlsbad, CA: Tax Consultant & Real Estate

In the United States, paid tax return preparers are regulated but not licensed by the Internal Revenue Service of the United States Department of the Treasury.

There are penalties for failure to disclose the identity of the preparer on the return, for the failure to give the taxpayer a copy of the return, and for negligence in preparing the return.

Practice before the Internal Revenue Service is regulated by Treasury Department Circular No. 230, Regulations Governing the Practice of Attorneys, Certified Public Accountants, Enrolled Agents, Enrolled Actuaries, and Appraisers before the Internal Revenue Service.

Most practice is limited to attorneys, Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), enrolled agents, and enrolled actuaries. Rendering tax advice is also regulated by Circular 230.

Failure to uphold these standards can result in disciplinary action ranging from reprimand to permanent disbarment from practice.

In the United States, the term “tax professional” is a generic term describing a variety of professions including enrolled agents, Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), financial planners, accountants, tax preparers, and some lawyers.

In the United States, by far the largest segment of tax professionals are individual tax preparers.

A tax advisor or tax consultant is a person with advanced training and knowledge of tax law.

The services of a tax advisor are usually retained in order to minimize taxation while remaining compliant with the law in complicated financial situations.

Tax Advisors are also retained to represent clients before tax authorities and tax courts to resolve tax issues.

Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is the title of qualified accountants in numerous countries in the English-speaking world. In the United States, the CPA is a license to provide accounting services to the public. It is awarded by each of the 50 states for practice in that state. Iranian yellow pages

Additionally, almost every state has passed mobility laws to allow CPAs from other states to practice in their state.

State licensing requirements vary, but the minimum standard requirements include passing the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination, 150-semester units of college education, and one year of accounting related experience.

Continuing professional education (CPE) is also required to maintain licensure.

Individuals who have been awarded the CPA but have lapsed in the fulfillment of the required CPE or who have requested conversion to inactive status are in many states permitted to use the designation “CPA Inactive” or an equivalent phrase.

In most U.S. states, only CPAs are legally able to provide attestation (including auditing) opinions on financial statements. Many CPAs are members of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and their state CPA society.

State laws vary widely regarding whether a non-CPA is even allowed to use the title “accountant.” For example, Texas prohibits the use of the designations “accountant” and “auditor” by a person not certified as a Texas CPA, unless that person is a CPA in another state, is a non-resident of Texas, and otherwise meets the requirements for practice in Texas by out-of-state CPA firms and practitioners.[1]Many other countries also use the title CPA to designate local public accountants.


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