Adil Irani | Cardiologist
Cardiology (Cardiovascular Disease) Interventional Cardiology Internal Medicine
Dr Adil N Irani, MD is a Doctor primarily located in Fremont, CA, with another office in San Jose, CA. He has 26 years of experience. His specialities include Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease. Dr Irani is affiliated with Regional Medical Center-San Jose. He speaks English.
Dr Adil Irani is a cardiologist in Fremont, California and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Eden Medical Center and Regional Medical Center of San Jose. He received his medical degree from Krishna Institute Of Medical Sciences University and has been in practice for more than 20 years. He is one of 17 doctors at Eden Medical Center and one of 31 at Regional Medical Center of San Jose who specializes in Cardiology.
Adil N. Irani, MD is a practising Cardiologist (Heart Specialist) in Fremont, CA. He completed a residency at Los Angeles County – University of Southern California Medical Center.
Dr Irani also specializes in Interventional Cardiology and Internal Medicine. He currently practices at Adil Irani and is affiliated with Regional Medical Center of San Jose.
Dr Irani accepts multiple insurance plans including Aetna, Medicare and Humana. Dr Irani also practices at California Cardiovascular Consultants in San Jose, CA. In addition to English, Dr Irani’s practice supports these languages: Farsi/Persian, Hindi, Spanish, Vietnamese and Tagalog.
Dr Adil Irani is a Cardiovascular Disease (Cardiology) Specialist in Fremont, California. He graduated with honours in 1992.
Having more than 26 years of diverse experiences, especially in CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE (CARDIOLOGY), INTERNAL MEDICINE, NUCLEAR MEDICINE, Dr Adil Irani affiliates with many hospitals including Regional Medical Center Of San Jose, Washington Hospital, O’Connor Hospital, and cooperates with other doctors and specialists without joining any medical groups. Call Dr Adil Irani on phone number (510) 796-0222 for more information and advice or to book an appointment.