AATP | New York, NY


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AATP | New York, NY

AATP | American Association of Teachers of Persian in New York, NY

The American Association of Teachers of Persian is a non-profit, professional organization whose objective shall be to advance and improve the study and teaching of the Persian language and culture; to promote research in the field of Persian language, linguistics, and literature; to further the common interests of teachers in the field, and to facilitate communication and professional cooperation among its members.

Pouneh Shabani-Jadidi, AATP President

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American Association of Teachers of Persian is a professional organization whose objective is to advance study and teaching of Persian language and culture

ARTICLE 1 – NAME AND OFFICES Section 1.1 – Name and Website The organization shall be known as the American Association of Teachers of Persian (AATP).

The website address of the AATP is www.aatpersian.org Section 1.2 – Offices and State of Incorporation The office of the corporation shall be located at 1957 E Street NW, The Elliott School of International Affairs, (suite 512) George Washington University, Washington DC, 20052.

The AATP has been incorporated as a non-profit with the Government of the District of Columbia (Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs – Corporation Division) on September 9, 2013. The File Number is N00004808185. Section 1.3 – Principal and Other Offices The corporation’s principal office is located in Washington D.C. The corporation may have offices at other places where it is qualified to do business, as the Executive Board may from time to time determine. The address of the initial principal office is 1957 E Street NW, The Elliott School of International Affairs, (suite 512) George Washington University, Washington DC, 20052.

The Executive Board of the corporation may designate another principal office within the United States by resolution without amending the By-laws. Section 1.4

Association of Teachers of Persian in New York

– Records Maintained at Principal Office The corporation shall keep at its principal office a copy of its Articles of Incorporation and By-laws as amended to date, names, and addresses of its directors and officers, minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board and Committees, indicating the time and place of the meeting, whether regular or special, the notice is given, and names of those present, and the proceedings of any decisions made at the meeting.
