Business Opportunities in Iran
Business Opportunities in Iran: People looking for new and emerging business opportunities will find the great Persian Empire, currently referred to as the Islamic Republic of Iran, to be a prime location.
According to the Iranian Directory, we can easily see that the area previously covered by the Persian Empire is actually home to about 80 million individuals. This information in itself is vital to understand how easily business can grow and prosper in that country.Additionally, it holds the position of being the second-largest country in the Middle East, with a significant portion of its border directly connecting to the sea route.

Iranian directory
Re-Election of President Rouhani (May 2017)
With the re-election of President Rouhani in May 2017 and the Obama administration’s efforts to try and reconcile relations with Iran in lieu of the uplifting of the sanctions, there have been a lot of administrative changes taking place in the country. For starters, over the course of the past one year, the country has taken several tentative steps that give the indication of the willingness of the Iranian people and its government to want to enter back into the international fold.
This has been aided by the reformist principles adopted by President Rouhani.
Changing Political Environment under President Rouhani
Since Iran has taken is a leap, it has started re-introducing global standards in the business and technological spheres, for example, the reintegration of Iranian banks with those around the world. Due to President Rouhani’s re-election, there is a changing political environment across the country and the phrase ‘catch while the iron is hot’ very adeptly applies to the foreign businesses looking for new places to invest in.
One of the major changes we notice is in the newly appointed Iranian cabinet. The current cabinet not only consists of relatively young people, encouraging waves of change, but they have all received very high levels of approval from the parliament.
Another growing area of interest for foreign investors and businessmen can be the growing startup scene of the country. The members of the cabinet that are in charge of IT and the Science and Technology department have done groundbreaking work to encourage the entrepreneurs of the country to use the loans to build the startup community of the country.

Iranian directory
Business Rules in Iran: A Global Perspective
The geographical location of the country also offers an even sweeter deal for potential investors. It links businesses not only to the Middle East but also to the South Asian and Central Asian countries. With the development of Chahbahar port with the help of the Indian government also means direct linkages to the United Arab Emirates and Oman.
However, one of the most important things potential businessmen and investors should keep in mind before deciding on building or expanding their business to Iran is that the rules for setting up a business apply to Iran just like they do in countries all over the world. To succeed in business, empower the community.