Film Nasle Jadouie, Babak is more than just an unemployed engineer living with his parents in his 20s. He possesses a supernatural
sense of hearing, so strong he can hear through solid walls and over great distances. But Babak is not the
only one with bizarre, unexplained powers.
Film Nasle Jadouie A group of extraordinary individuals begin to emerge and find each other
Will they learn to use their powers for anything other than their own selfish means? With experimental sequences and innovative camerawork
director Iraj Karimi takes a whimsical look at a band of youths br
Some young guys who have in commun the ability of an abnormal concentration, are gradually gathered together with Babak and Jaleh
Film Nasle Jadouie
Their marriage is facing a crisis. Jaleh has recently lost her sister, Sima, and now is trying her best to help her late sister’s husband,
who was very attached to his wife, to get back to normal life. Babak is trying to make their life warm and lovely again but does not succeed
Once, when these young people gather around in Jaleh’s house for a party, the accumulation of their forces results in a spiritual belief
Film Nasle Jadouie